
Protecting Confidential Information Does Not Safeguard Trade Secrets

Business, innovation and proprietary information are often the cornerstones of a companies’ success. Companies invest significant time, resources, and expertise to develop and maintain their unique processes, formulas, and strategies that provide an edge over their competitors. However, just because the information is a valuable business assets does not automatically make it a trade secret and provide the foundation for a lawsuit over its unauthorized use. In the world of trade secret protection, information is either a “trade secret” (and protectable) or it is not a trade secret (and not protectable).
Despite attempts over the years to conflate the issue, there is no middle gound. Protecting Confidential Information does not make it a trade secret. To be protected as a trade secret companies must protect their valuable information as a secret.

Protecting Trade Secrets is Good Business

History of Trade Secrets For many businesses, protecting trade secrets is important.  Trade secret laws protect secret business information against unauthorized use or disclosure by one who obtains it through improper means.  The protection of confidential business information has historically been protected.  Protecting trade secret information dates as far back as Roman times, when Roman Read more about Protecting Trade Secrets is Good Business[…]

Trade Secret Protection

Trade Secret Protection

Trade Secret Protection allows a business to prevent unlawful disclosure or use of its proprietary information including its financial, business, scientific, technical, economic or engineering information methods and processes. Generally, to qualify the information must not be generally known and must be of value to the business.

White House Recommends increasing the Criminal Penalties for Intellectual Property

The White House released a white paper recommending increasing the penalties for intellectual property crimes. The recommendations involve increasing rights and penalties “so as to more effectively address the substantial harm caused by intellectual property crimes.” Recommended changes include: Increase prison term for counterfeit drug distributors; Increase prison terms for theft of trade secrets; Increase Read more about White House Recommends increasing the Criminal Penalties for Intellectual Property[…]